Thursday, October 20, 2011


"Mulder, toads just fell from the sky."

Agent Scully
The X-Files
"Die Hand Die Verletz"

Hestia's Geek Bucket List #1

1. Say goodbye to a first love/long-lost love/short-lived infatuation in the transporter room before he transports away to save a planet/make a scientific breakthrough/sacrifice himself to restore the space-time continuum.

Look, I'm not picky, as long as it involves love, a goodbye, and a transporter pad.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


The Shop of Shades and Secrets by Colleen Gleason

Sunday, October 9, 2011


To anyone who is worried about the effect Twilight may be having on our impressionable young women, I have four words:

Flowers. In. The. Attic.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


"Because the only thing I hate more than hippy, neo-liberal fascist anarchists are the hypocrite fat cat suits they eventually grow up to become." 

"Chuck vs. the Beard"

hippy, neo-liberal fascist anarchists!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


"I think of it as a sort of Questynge Beste: it hath a head like literary fiction, feet like a graphic novel, a body like somebody's diary and a tail like a text message, and maketh a noise like a cafeteria full of twelve- to eighteen-year-olds."

-- A description of young adult literature by Sofia Samatar

Strange Horizons web magazine

from a review of Margo Lanagan's collection Yellowcake


"It's insane. And it's about to get insanerer."

The Doctor
Doctor Who
"The Rebel Flesh"